Monday, January 11, 2010

Puppy Vomiting Bile Vomiting Puppy, I Have A 4 Month Old GermanShorthairedPointer, Schotzie, Who Vomits Most Mornings, A Small...?

Vomiting Puppy, I have a 4 month old GermanShorthairedPointer, Schotzie, who vomits most mornings, a small...? - puppy vomiting bile

Amount of white frothy vomit? Bile?. This happens very early, before breakfast. He, s done for the past 5 weeks. I have been 2 vets, he did in the first maxilon [anti-nausea here] for a week then appealed to the second EFP has been launched maxilon liquid that has worked for several weeks until the end of, course, and now back to square one. Has anyone had this problem? I hope your puppy thing and he will grow out of it, seems healthy. Thank you for a significant contribution.


just me said...

my dog vomiting, not eating every 12 hours. when he was still a puppy food 3x per day. If you are in our schedule vomited bile. now 2 x one days. 6:00 come and if your stomach is not filled with vomit. not normal for a puppy that yet. My dog is rarely luck :-)

Princess Buttercup said...

Have you tried to feed either a better or soft foods? If he has food allergies, vomiting, a symptom can be no doubt about it.

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